Fair Dates - 2001

Changes in fair dates and locations are beyond my control.
Be sure to confirm times and location of the event before road trips.  

Select A Link to Display Listings from Other Years
2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999

Dates shown in yellow are from the previous year & will be updated when received from the Fair Sponsor.

April 21-22 Bird Fair- Lafayette, LA - Acadiana Bird Club
Cajun Heartland Bird Fair              Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4           Admission: $2  Parking: $2
Heymann Performing Arts & Convention Center- 1373 S College Rd, Lafayette, LA
Grace Vincent (318) 364-0113               Marnell Lapeyrouse (318) 367-2736
          GVincent33@hotmail.com                            MomNelll@aol.com
May 27-28 Bird Fair- Biloxi, MS- Southern Mississippi Cage Bird Society
Annual Fair      Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4     Admission: Free  Parking: Free
Joppa Shrine Temple  North of
Exit 41 off 1-10 Biloxi Ms.
Ginger Trochesset 228-392-4088          
July 12-13

Bird Fair- New Orleans, LA - Greater New Orleans Expo
Cajun Classic Bird Fair 
              Sat 9-5 Sun 9-4:30  Adm. $3  Children Under 6 & Parking: Free
Landmark Hotel- 2601 Severn Ave, Metairie, LA 70002 
Landmark Best Western Hotel
    (504) 888-9500  Group Reservations before 3:30 PM Group #9349  (800) 277-7575
          Ron Williams 504-831-7385                       Sandy Williams 504-831-7385      
      Metro-Area Map         SandraW@att.net  

July Bird Fair- Mobile, AL - South Alabama Cage Bird Society
Bird Fair              Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4           Admission: $2  Parking: $2
Abba Shrine Temple- 
Fair Info: Sabre Simmons
334-937-7759    Raffel Info: Cathy Baird 334-661-3666 
           sajer@aol.com                           btata1228@aol.com
Sept 1-2 Bird Fair- Montgomery, AL - Central Alabama Avicultural Society- Sixteenth Annual 
Sponsored by Rodybush      Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4     Admission: Free
The Governor's House Motel, 2705 East South Blvd, Montgomery, AL  800-334-8459
                            Charles and Jo Reaves     256-892-2204

Bird Show-  Saturday:  Registration 8 to 9:30  Judging at 10:00
                                    NCS-----Judge  Keith Reimer
                                    NAPS-- Judge  Paul Williams
                                    NFSS---Judge  Sally Huntington

                    Sunday:     Registration 8 to 9:30  Judging at 10:00
                                     NCS---Judge    Henry Castle
                                     NAPS---Judge   Ken Gumby
                                     NFSS---Judge  Clarence Culwell

Sept 29-30 Bird Fair- Lafayette, LA - Acadiana Bird Club
Cajun Heartland Bird Fair              Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4           Admission: $2  Parking: $2
Heymann Performing Arts & Convention Center- 1373 S College Rd, Lafayette, LA
Grace Vincent (318) 364-0113               Marnell Lapeyrouse (318) 367-2736
           GVincent33@hotmail.com                           MomNelll@aol.com
Oct 6 Bird Fair- Lake Charles, LA - Lake Area Bird Club 
Lake Charles Civic Center Exhibition Hall  Sat 9-5     Admission: unk  Parking: unk
air Info: C.J. Dufrene 337- 478-7923.
Nov 11-12 Bird Fair- Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge Bird Society
Bird Fair              Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4           Admission: $2  Parking: Free
Fraternal Order of Police Hall, 10777 Greenwell Springs Rd, Baton Rouge, LA
                      Kathy or Jesse Erwin
Nov 18-19 Bird Fair- Atlanta, GA- Exotic Pet Expo 
Gwinett Civic Center             Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4           Admission: $2  Parking: $2
       Andy Davidson 
(344) 244-8884        biga-promotions@mindspring.com